Joining me again to drop leadership strategy and truth is my good friend Garrett Lowe, a NextGen Pastor at Living Word Community Church. Friends, Garrett is not your run of the mill Pastor, nope. I call him a reality Pastor, one who's not afraid to say this is real and it's really hard! 

I interviewed Garrett on Ep.008 and we dove deep into creating a balanced, purposeful life. We hit topics like addiction and creating space for relationships.

Today we're talking about the leader's role in creating a culture for trust and growth. These ideas are a must in the secular world as well as the church, because it all boils down to building healthy relationships. You can't lead well without that.

In this episode Garrett goes deep into:

Creating a culture where its ok to fail What message is being received? - What does your culture say to your customer? What is the emotional language being used? What is transparency and vulnerability? Why we need to get rid of the country club mentality in churches Why people are walking away from faith The danger of being entertained all the time

Connect wit Garrett:

IG: @Garrettlowe

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