If you've ever wondered if it's possible to create your destiny and change your life, you're going to love this episode.

It is indeed possible and Brant Pinvidic is bringing strategies you can implement right now! This interview will blow your mind.

Grab a pen and notebook, and get ready for this 35 minute masterclass on creating your destiny! 

Brant Pinvidic is a documentary filmmaker, TV producer, author, podcaster, high level coach, and regular contributor to Forbes.

Get ready, class is in session!

Some of Brant's points:

the napkin of destiny understanding the difference between self doubt and situational doubt Start with the basics of what do you want Success needs to be qualified the importance of celebrating success don't be an amateur at joy & happiness how to create intensity matching

Brant is so real, he even talks about his pivotal spoiled jerk moment!

Connect with Brant here

Instagram: @brantpinvidic

Why I'm Not Podcast


Brant's book: The 3 Minute Rule