If you've ever wondered how to change your life and get to the next level, my guest is bringing it for you! We dive into how to live intentionally, and how to find your grit factor. You're going to love this candid conversation with development coach and former PGA Pro Thane Marcus Ringler.

Thane shares his insights from the green, how his values have shaped his success and kept him grounded as well as how his grit factor is tied to his personal drive and gratitude practice.

My favorite take-aways from Thane:

taking ownership is the harder path self acceptance and accepting your individual strengths his personal cornerstone habits how grit is a part of his gratitude and drive being faithful with what you have, where you are

Grab his book, "From Here To There: A Quarter Life Perspective On The Path To Mastery"Connect with Thane:


Instagram: @thanemarcus
