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Live to Grind

449 episodes - English - Latest episode: 5 months ago - ★★★★★ - 51 ratings

Brandon T. Adams is a Lifestyle Entrepreneur, Inventor, Author, Motivational Speaker, Crowdfunding Expert, and T.V. Host & Executive Producer.The goal of Live To Grind is to help and inspire YOU to become successful in life and business. Brandon (a.k.a. BTA) shares tips and tactics that are working for him as well as insights from the most successful entrepreneurs and inspirational people in the world like Shark Tank's Kevin Harrington, Forbes Riley, John Lee Dumas, Jake Paul, Jay Baer, Donald Trump's Prodigy Tana Goertz, and many more.Are you ready to go out there, create something great, and become unforgettable? Then, let's get started!

Careers Business Education entrepreneur motivation business startups success entrepreneurship leadership crowdfunding branding brand building
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EP 99 Protecting your idea with a Patent with Tim Zarley

January 28, 2016 05:00 - 42 minutes - 19.6 MB

In this show Tim gives you more information about protecting your ideas and specific advice on how to succeed as an entrepreneur and inventor.

EP 98 The Power of Positive thougths and how to Rid yourself of Doubt with Brandon T. Adams

January 26, 2016 05:00 - 14 minutes - 6.77 MB

Positive thinking is very powerful and helps you achieve the success you want and allow you to live the happy life you deserve. It all starts with how you think. The things you think about, the thoughts you have about yourself and others. The things that you say and the people that you surround yourself with. These are all things that determine how positive or negative you will be.

EP 97 Indiegogo Founder Slava Rubin talks about how Crowdfunding is changing the future of Business

January 21, 2016 05:00 - 23 minutes - 10.8 MB

Slava Rubin, the co-founder of Indiegogo talks about how to have success with crowdfunding and how indiegogo has become the huge crowdfunding site it is today. Slava talks about how big companies are starting to launch crowdfunding campaigns and also gives us an insight of the future of crowdfunding. THIS BLOWS ME AWAY!!!

EP 96 Working with the Right Clients with Brandon T. Adams

January 19, 2016 05:00 - 11 minutes - 5.35 MB

How do you know which people you want to work with? What things about them let you know it’s going to be a win win if you work together? Over the years I have found out that if you decide to work with someone you must be able to get along with him or her or potentially see yourself being able to handle them on a weeklong trip together. In business you must maintain a great relationship with the people you work with and enjoy working with them.

EP 95 Learn how to Create a successful Business with Blogs and YouTube with Thomas Frank

January 14, 2016 05:00 - 50 minutes - 23.2 MB

Thomas Frank is a student success author, YouTuber, and speaker who has been helping college students achieve their goals since 2010. He is the founder of College Info Geek, a blog, YouTube channel, and podcast that reaches over 600,000 students each month, and has been featured on U.S. News, FOX Business’ The Willis Report, Business Insider, and more. Thomas graduated from Iowa State University with a degree in MIS.

EP 95 Learn how to Create a successful Business with Blogs and YouTube with Thomas Frank

January 14, 2016 05:00 - 50 minutes - 23.2 MB

Thomas Frank is a student success author, YouTuber, and speaker who has been helping college students achieve their goals since 2010. He is the founder of College Info Geek, a blog, YouTube channel, and podcast that reaches over 600,000 students each month, and has been featured on U.S. News, FOX Business’ The Willis Report, Business Insider, and more. Thomas graduated from Iowa State University with a degree in MIS.

EP 94 Traveling on a Budget with Brandon T. Adams

January 12, 2016 05:00 - 14 minutes - 6.89 MB

I’ve done a lot of traveling in 2015 going to events, podcasting, business, speaking, you name it. I’ve been to Columbus, OH, Indianapolis, IN, Atlanta, GA, Nashville, TN, Los Angeles, CA, Phoenix, AZ, Albuquerque, NM, Denver, CO, and the list goes on and on. I’ve been everywhere. If I traveled like a normal person I wouldn't be able to afford trips like this. Good thing I’m not your average person.

EP 93 Learn Strategies to Get Fit and Healthy with Sterling Griffin

January 07, 2016 05:00 - 42 minutes - 19.5 MB

What’s your New Years Resolution? For the majority of the people it’s to get in better shape, lose weight, and live a healthier life lifestyle. But how exactly do you effectively reach your fitness goals and see the results you want? My buddy Sterling Griffin is going to share with you the strategies on reaching your health and fitness goals and show you how he has made a complete change in his body in a short period of time.

EP 92 Traveling and Making Connections with Brandon T. Adams

January 05, 2016 05:00 - 20 minutes - 9.55 MB

I share with you my trip across the west coast. Learn how powerful connections can be in life.

EP 91 Lessons learned from Interviews in 2015 with Brandon T. Adams

December 31, 2015 05:00 - 36 minutes - 16.7 MB

I’ve learned a lot in 2015 from interviewing people all over the country. Everyone had some unique knowledge that I applied to my life to become better and you should apply it to yours as well. It’s hard to believe the year is already over and we are about to approach 2016. Time fly’s, that's why it’s important to enjoy yourself every chance you get and live life to the fullest. You should be doing what you love every single day of your life.

EP 90 Inside the Mind of an Entrepreneur with Brandon T. Adams

December 29, 2015 05:00 - 16 minutes - 7.79 MB

What’s it like inside the mind of an Entrepreneur? Crazy, obsessive, Pain, determined, insomniac, driven, unstoppable, passionate, willing to do anything to achieve their success. These are all words that come to my mind. This is my mind. Sometimes I think it’s a gift and sometimes I think it’s a sickness. Sometimes I feel crazy and that I’m the only one of my kind.

EP 89 The Best Quotes of 2015 with Brandon T. Adams

December 24, 2015 05:00 - 24 minutes - 11.3 MB

There are many quotes that have inspired me in life and I believe they will inspire you too. Think about them and relate them in your life. There is a lot of truth behind each one. The biggest things that stand out to me are doing what you love, believing in yourself, using your mind to achieve anything, and always trying new things to get better.

EP 88 Going the Extra Mile to Achieve your Biggest Goals in 2016 with Brandon T. Adams

December 22, 2015 05:00 - 14 minutes - 6.68 MB

I’ve realized in life if you want to achieve the huge success you set out for you are going to have to make sacrifices. It’s not going to be easy at times and there will be times you will want to give up or take the easier route that consists of less work. Over night success happens after years of hard work and consistently getting better. You must get better every single day and you must get out of your comfort zone. There will be things that you won’t want to do, but will have to do in ...

EP 87 The FUND Formula to Crowdfunding Success with Brandon T. Adams

December 17, 2015 05:00 - 35 minutes - 16.1 MB

Learn how to get the keys to the crowd by using the FUND formula to Crowdfunding Success!

EP 86 There is a Light at the End of the Tunnel

December 15, 2015 05:00 - 10 minutes - 5 MB

Sometimes in life it can be hard and things happen that seem unfair. We may not quite understand why they happen but they do. No matter what happens in your life, just know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Things will always get better and time will allow you to become a stronger person that grows and becomes more successful.

EP 85 Learn how to Make Money with Facebook Ads, Webinars, and Periscope with Zach Spuckler

December 10, 2015 05:00 - 46 minutes - 21.4 MB

If you have a business online then you must learn how to make money using Facebook ads, Webinars, and even Periscope. These are 3 ways to make money for your business and they help you make your audience aware of you and what you offer. Social media can be hard to figure out, but it doesn’t have to be. My good friend Zach Spuckler gives you everything you need to know about having a high conversion rate on Facebook ads that make you money, how to get a big audience to attend your webinar, ...

EP 84 Batching your Work to be More Productive with Brandon T. Adams

December 08, 2015 05:00 - 12 minutes - 5.55 MB

Do you ever get sidetracked during the day by emails or tasks that jump out at you randomly? This has happened to me many times and I have learned to deal with them by batching and sticking with my goals for each day. Every Day I Set and Accomplish Goals for my day, with the help of an Awesome book called the Freedom Journal , wrote by John Lee Dumas. You will get a chance to get this book on Kickstarter January 4th. This book helps me set goals for my day and stay accountable for accompl...

EP 83 The Arctic Stick Journey, How to Invent a Product and Take it to Market with Brandon T. Adams

December 03, 2015 05:00 - 42 minutes - 19.5 MB

When I look back on my journey the past 4 years, there have been many things that I have learned and many opportunities that have come my way during my journey with Arctic Stick. Arctic Stick has not only taught me how to invent a product and take it to market but it has led me to starting many other companies. I’ve found out that when you stick with something long enough people will attract to you and follow you on your journey. Many opportunities will come your way and you will meet many...

EP 82 Startups Need Self-Starters with Brandon T. Adams

December 01, 2015 05:00 - 10 minutes - 4.66 MB

Startups that survive and prosper are the ones that have self-starters on the team from the beginning. Self-starters are people who don’t need to be told what to do and create their own path without asking any questions. THEY GET SHIT DONE!! Simple as that.

EP 81 Men's Style Lab takes Fashion to a Whole New Level with Derian Baugh

November 26, 2015 05:00 - 45 minutes - 20.7 MB

If you are a guy I’m guessing going shopping isn’t your favorite thing that you like to do. I’m the same way, but I do like to look good and be in fashion when going out. Derian Baugh noticed this with many of his buddies who would ask him to help them pick out clothes for a big date or marriage proposal. Derian seemed to always be in fashion and many people noticed that. After getting multiple requests and doing research in the fashion industry he noticed a business opportunity. He ended...

EP 80 Being Thankful for What you Have in Life with Brandon T. Adams - 11:23:15, 11.28 AM.mp3

November 24, 2015 05:00 - 13 minutes - 6.03 MB

The Big question at Thanksgiving when you are sitting around the dinner table is: “What are you thankful for?”. Expressing gratitude and what you are thankful for should be a daily routine, not just once a year. Every one of us has something to be thankful for. Having the chance to live life and breathe air is a gift in itself. Most people focus on all of the things that they don’t have and focus their energy on negative things.

EP 79 How to Raise $600,000 on Indiegogo with Khierstyn Ross

November 19, 2015 05:00 - 43 minutes - 20.2 MB

Today we have Khierstyn Ross tell her story about how she was apart of the Thin-Ice Indiegogo campaign that did almost $600,000 in sales. The first attempt they failed to reach their goal but the second time around they hit it big! You will get to learn the mistakes her and her team made and all of the right things they did to make a successful campaign.

EP 78 Start with Why

November 17, 2015 05:00 - 10 minutes - 4.72 MB

I’ve started many companies and have gone down many different paths in life without even taking the time to ask myself why. Why do I want to do this? What is my purpose with it? Where will the journey take me and will I even be happy with the end goal? These are all questions entrepreneurs should ask themselves before starting anything.

EP 77 Master Social Media and Gain an Audience with Shantel Khleif

November 12, 2015 05:00 - 43 minutes - 20.1 MB

If you have a business I’m sure you have a social media page to help promote your offers. In today’s day and age social media is vital for your success in business. Mastering the social media game is more then just putting up a page, inviting your friends to like it, and throwing some posts up with hope that your customers will come begging to work with you. It doesn't work that way. The social media Queen, Shantel Khleif is the founder of Imagine Media, a company that helps businesses ma...

EP 76 Solving Problems with Brandon T. Adams

November 10, 2015 05:00 - 18 minutes - 8.58 MB

This past weekend I attended the CEO conference in Kansas City and learned a lot from those 3 days. There were around 800-1000 young entrepreneurs there from all over the country. I networked, judged the elevator pitch competition, heard great speakers like Jeff Hoffman the founder of Priceline, Henry Bloch the founder of H & R Block, and Craig Culver the Founder of Culvers. I also spoke at the event about Crowdfunding. I had a blast! I want to share with you everything I learned.

EP 75 Learn how to Start your own Business with Jason Bay

November 05, 2015 05:00 - 39 minutes - 18.1 MB

Do you want to start your own business but don't even know where to start? Jason Bay is a guy similar to me who has been in that same position asking himself the exact same questions. In this podcast show Jason walks you through the steps you should take before starting your company or even how you figure out what you want to do.

EP 74 How to Sell Ice to an Eskimo with Brandon T. Adams

November 03, 2015 05:00 - 20 minutes - 9.39 MB

I’ve done door-to-door sales and I’ve raised money for nonprofits, which in my mind are the number one thing any salesmen should do if they want to become the best. Crowdfunding has been another outlet that has taught me a lot about selling. After looking back on all of my experiences I have come up with the key points of being great in sales.

EP 73 How to Get National Media Attention with Brandon T. Adams

October 29, 2015 04:00 - 30 minutes - 13.9 MB

Have you ever dreamed of getting national media attention for you and your business? I know I did a few years ago. I now live my dream of getting the media attention I need for my businesses. I’ve been seen on USA Today, on the cover of Inventors Digest, on TV across the country, and have been heard on radio stations and podcasts all over. Literally Millions of people have heard or seen me and know about my products and services.

EP 72 Walking on Fire with Tony Robbins

October 27, 2015 04:00 - 20 minutes - 9.44 MB

Inspired by Tony Robbins, you will learn the 6 Human Needs you must master if you want to live a happy and fullfilled life. Also learn how to live everyday with a positive mental attitude and feeling like a million bucks.

EP 71 Learn how to Work with Celebrities with Brandon T. Adams

October 22, 2015 04:00 - 17 minutes - 8.13 MB

I’ve always emphasized the power of becoming a celebrity in your field and also being around celebrities to build your status. The big question is how do you actually get close to a celebrity or work with them? It comes down to 3 main things, which are adding value, getting closer to the inner circle, and standing out in the crowd.

EP 70 Time is the most Valuable Asset with Brandon T. Adams

October 20, 2015 04:00 - 13 minutes - 6.08 MB

Time is our most valuable asset because one day it will run out for all of us. It’s like a time bomb, because the minute our time runs out is the day that we die. It’s all over. That's why it's vital that we spend our time wisely while here on earth and do the things that we enjoy doing the most. Spend time with family, enjoy the work that you do, travel the world, do whatever makes you the happiest in life.

EP 69 Leaving the Corporate World with Amanda Boleyn

October 15, 2015 04:00 - 53 minutes - 24.4 MB

Do you work a 9-5 job that you hate? Are you becoming consumed by the corporate world and want go get out but you’re afraid to make that leap? I’ve been there and I know what you are going through. In this show you are going to hear from Amanda Boleyn who has been in the corporate world and had a high paying job, but wasn't fulfilled with her life. She decided to make that leap of faith and do it her own way in the entrepreneurial world.

EP 68 Not Enough Hours in the Day with Brandon T Adams

October 13, 2015 04:00 - 18 minutes - 8.44 MB

If you are an Entrepreneur I’m sure you feel the same way when I say there are not enough hours in the day. When you have multiple companies to run and more authority you start to lose your free time. I’ve tried going on little to no sleep before and eventually it catches up with you and makes you unproductive. The strategy is time management, delegating authority to others, and setting and accomplishing goals each day.

EP 67 Eliminating Food Waste with Food Rescue

October 08, 2015 04:00 - 47 minutes - 21.8 MB

Today you will learn how the nonprofit Food Waste is making a Huge impact on the world today and how people look at their food. The members of Food Waste share with you their story on how they spread this nonprofit into 19 states with 40 chapter presidents. Learn how to have a successful fundraiser and learn the tactics they use as a nonprofit.

EP 66 Adding Value to Others with Brandon T Adams

October 06, 2015 04:00 - 11 minutes - 5.2 MB

If you want to become successful in life then you must learn how to add value to others. The more value you give the more you get in return. I explain to you how my ability to add value landed me a appearance on the Entrepreneur on Fire Podcast show with John Lee Dumas. This show has 1.2 Million Listeners.

EP 65 Learn How To Get #1 On Amazon With Payton Lacivita - 10:1:15, 12.54 PM

October 01, 2015 04:00 - 53 minutes - 24.7 MB

Payton gives you tips on how to succeed in the bar/restaurant business and also how to get your product number one on Amazon. Learn the marketing strategies Payton took to make MiaBella Number one on Amazon.

EP 63 Becoming a Millionaire by 25 with J V Crum III

September 24, 2015 04:00 - 48 minutes - 22.2 MB

In today's show you will get to learn from J V Crum III who has become a millionaire at the age of 25 and since then has taught many others how to do the same.

EP 62 The Haters that Fuel an Entrepreneurs Dream with Brandon T Adams

September 22, 2015 04:00 - 11 minutes - 5.42 MB

Haters Fuel an Entrepreneurs Dream and Supporters help make the dream come true. Hear how Brandons haters have fueled his success over the years.

EP 61 Beating the Stock Market with Des Woodruff

September 17, 2015 04:00 - 1 hour - 30.6 MB

Des Woodruff Shares his experiences on how he consistantly beats the stock market and predicts the market crashes. He built the very first company that does free trading videos online and helps others beat the stock market. Also learn about his partnership with the famous MMA Fighter Ken Shamrock and how they are taking control of the Fighting world.

EP 60 The Crazy Ones are the Ones that Change the World with Brandon T. Adams

September 15, 2015 04:00 - 14 minutes - 6.5 MB

Entrepreneurs can be Crazy but it's the Crazy Ones that Change the World. Hear Brandon's crazyness and how he plans to conquer the world. He urges you to do the same, because life is too short not too.

EP 59 Tutoring Students to Success and Living a Fullfulled Life with Todd Vanduzer

September 10, 2015 04:00 - 1 hour - 30.4 MB

Todd VanDuzer shares his experiences traveling around the world and how it led him to his life mission of helping others. Learn how he started tutoring students at the age of 16 and now has turned Student Tutor into a nationwide tutoring service. He also shares how he built a 1000 member weekly yoga event and also a music festival called Munduzer.

EP 58 Selling the Dream with Brandon T Adams

September 08, 2015 04:00 - 10 minutes - 4.69 MB

It is important to vision your success before it happens and sell your dream to others so they will join you in making it reality. People follow visionarys and dreamers who clealry state their dream and make it sound like reality. Brandon Shares with you his dream and how he has sold it to others.

EP 57 Female Entrepreneurs Helping the World: KinoSol's Story

September 03, 2015 04:00 - 50 minutes - 23.3 MB

Woman can be very powerful, expecially the 3 girls that are apart of the KinoSol Team. With KinoSol their goal is to end post-harvest loss, improve health, and create Entrepreneurial opportunities for subsistence farmers throughout the world. In this show you will learn about the problems countries face with hungar and post-harvest loss and hear how all of us can help KinoSol in solving this problem.

EP 56 To Become Great You Must Start by Thinking Bigger

September 01, 2015 04:00 - 11 minutes - 5.19 MB

If you aren't achieving the level of success that you want then you must not be thinking big enough. It all starts with your mind. To become Great you must start by Thinking Bigger Learn how to think BIG in this podcast show.

EP 55 Manufacturing Products with Jim Benton

August 27, 2015 04:00 - 50 minutes - 23.1 MB

Jim Benton from PolyTech Manufacturing shares with us the process of manufacturing your product, the costs involved, and the struggles most inventors face while developing their product.

EP 54 Steering the Ship to your Final Destination with Brandon T Adams

August 25, 2015 04:00 - 11 minutes - 5.49 MB

Every ship needs a captain, just like every business or team needs a leader. In this episode learn how to be a successful leader and help guide your team to their final destination of success. Brandon Shares with you his failure as a leader and his current success as a effective team leader.

EP 53 How Bad Do You Want It?

August 20, 2015 04:00 - 1 hour - 33 MB

Brandon talks about his story growing up and all the obstacles he has faced in life. This all can relate to you and make you realize how tough it really is to achieve your dreams. The Question you should ask yourself is this. How Bad do you want it?

EP 52 Standing up for What you Believe in with Brandon T Adams

August 18, 2015 04:00 - 14 minutes - 6.55 MB

You must always stand up for what you believe in. Brandon Shares his beliefs and how he is about to create something this country has never seen before.

EP 51 Learn how to Create an App and Become Highly Successful using Technology with Sam Forline

August 13, 2015 04:00 - 53 minutes - 24.4 MB

Learn how to create an App that makes you a lot of money. Sam discusses the entire process of creating apps, how technology has made being an entrepreneur better then ever, and how to make something Go Viral.

EP 50 The Power of Momentum with Brandon T Adams

August 11, 2015 04:00 - 10 minutes - 4.74 MB

You must always work off of your success and build momentum. Learn the importance of momentum in life and why you must always become better even if you are known as the best in your field.


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