Harry Loasby is a professional runner and coach who holds the Hong Kong record for the 3000m event. He is also the founder of Buffalo Running Company, a local running club for enthusiasts of all ages and levels. Hideo Harry Loasby sits down with us about how a simple passion for running can grow into a mission, a community, and even a culture. After setting junior national records in Hong Kong in the 1500 and 3000m and joining a NCAA Division 1 university to pursue the sport even further, Harry ultimately decided to use his love of running to create lasting impact in communities. As the Founder and Head Coach of BuffCo, Harry keeps a watchful eye on all his club members to improve and grow their appreciation for running with a mentality he calls ‘Let’s Harvest This Rice’. As a coach of the Harbour Sports Club, he is using the joy of running to help recent UK immigrants to connect and feel a sense of belonging in a new country they can call home. We are honored to let Harry tell his story today, and we hope it inspires you to go for a little jog yourself. Learn More About Harry and His Organisations Follow Harry: instagram.com/harryloasby The annual BuffCo Time Trials are happening right now! Follow and join: instagram.com/buffco.hk Harbour Sports Club: instagram.com/harboursc Sponsors: The Process Programming Website: theprocessprogramming.com Instagram: instagram.com/theprocessprogramming