It's often the little things that help us most. Enhancing our wellbeing and living better usually starts with baby steps. Small changes - you could call them lifestyle hacks - can make a big difference to both our physical and mental health.

In our latest LLAMA LIVE! conversation, via @TwitterSpaces, we discussed the ways we can kickstart a healthier life by implementing small, progressive changes to the way we live our lives. 

We cover everything from early morning walking, sunlight, and balance as we age, to hot organic cocoa, continuous glucose monitoring and dancing while doing the dishes.

The conversation, published here as a podcast, explores the these ideas with our Twitter community and features insights from host, Peter Bowes and:

Roy Burstin @roybu - Founder, Nowgevity, a collective of healthspan enthusiasts, citizen scientists, tinkerers, and optimizers @nowgevityDr. Felice Gersh @DrFeliceGersh - Medical Director, Integrative Medical Group of Irvine.

There will be more Twitter Spaces LLAMA LIVE! conversations too, featuring a wide range of guests and thought-leaders in the longevity space.  We’re open to suggestions for contributors and topics – and everyone is welcome to take part.  

Follow us @LLAMApodcast and @peterbowes for first news of upcoming conversations – every Thursday at 1pm Pacific time/4pm ET/9pm BST. 

The Live Long and Master Aging podcast shares ideas but does not offer medical advice.  If you have health concerns of any kind you should consult your own doctor or professional health adviser. 

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