Rannoch Donald is a movement maverick, inspirational trainer, coach and founder of the ground breaking 100 Rep Challenge (as featured in Men’s Health), Rannoch has a lifelong interest in health and well being through movement, mindfulness and the martial arts. Rannoch’s focus is on teaching skills,  sharing the kind of practical knowledge and wisdom that participants can use in their daily lives. From breath work, to mobility, body weight training and moving mindfully nature Rannoch will show you how to get back into your element. Rannoch lives by the training philosophy: "Move The Body, Still The Mind."
We discuss Rannoch's training philosoph, as well as get into more controversial topics such as the following:

Are most of today's men more attracted to masculine women?
Are American men in a position where they should focus more on fighting for men's rights
Is there really a war against young men
What happens when women follow the advice, "think like a man & act a lady?"
Who is Jack Donovan & what's his real agenda with the blog post that has so many people in an uproar
What is the downside of training & dieting to "get lean and mean" & why it's not always the best fit for most
Why sports science-based training and nutrition methods are detrimental most of the mainstream public
Why you should ignore the next celebrity or athlete's training program you see on magazine covers
Why it's going to be harder to bust athletes for performance enhancing drugs 
Why is a "leveled playing field" in competitive sports an illusion
Why we actually need some silliness in social media
Why wouldn't a movie such as "Machine Gun Preacher" not get an Oscar buzz
How you can escape 24 hours news outlets
How Rannoch teamed up with Neil Hill to create Earth Strength in order to help more people get disconnected from the attachments of the modern world and reconnect with their primal origins
What the hell is "Reebok Bacon" & why you shouldn't run where you eat
What's the correlation between protein, carbohydrates, fats, salt, & sugar & why does it seems like ad agencies know more than fitness industry experts
There's no need for Trip Advisor once we explain why you should avoid strip clubs in Edinburgh, Scotland 

Links & Resources mentioned in the show:

Beauties In Beastmode Mode article by Jack Donovan:  www.radixjournal.com/journal/2014/7/29/beauties-in-beast-mode
SFN Expo 2014 : http://www.sfnexpo.co.uk
Earth Strength Digital Detox Experience : http://www.earthstrength.com/
Fat, Sugar, & Salt books : http://budurl.com/fatsaltsugar 
Save The Chimps : http://savethechimps.org 

All this and much more:

Listen and download at http://strengthbymahler.com or http://newwarriortraining.com

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