Marcus Smith, the founder of Innerfight ( is a former rugby player and is now one the most respected strength & conditioning coaches in the world. He is widely considered one of the fittest men in the Middle East, and competes in the Crossfit Games. Listen in to part 1 of this two part episode, as Marcus discusses the following with Mike & Sincere:


Marcus shares how he ended up in Dubai and describes its fitness scene
Marcus shares how the obesity rate is rising in Dubai
How Crossfit and MMA are rising in the Dubai region
What Marcus loves about Crossfit, while not drinking the "Crossfit kool-aid"
Why Marcus and the InnerFight team try to avoid the holiday/big event dieters 
Why Marcus is not into "well-being"
What are the biggest challenges Marcus faces when working and speaking with corporate clients
What the truth and myths about genetics

All this and much more:

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