Anthony Roberts, a highly controversial supplement industry watchdog, ( returns to the LLA podcast to discuss the growing presence of network marketing companies infiltrating highly visible organizations such as Crossfit, via their top athletes, to push their products. Companies such as Visalus (Body By Vi), Beach Body, Herbalife, Advocare, & Isagenix, just to name a few, are becoming ever-present in many gyms, and with popular athletes of various sports, including "the sport of fitness."

The real question is, are these MLM companies or their products actually helping or hurting organizations such as Crossfit, or does getting into bed with these companies only hurt the reputations of Crossfit, its coaches and athletes, as well as other fitness professionals?

Are their products as effective as their evangelist claim, or is all of it just a bunch over the top marketing to sell over-priced products that give sub-par results, at best?

Better yet, is the real focus on the product or are fitness professionals utilizing "bait-and-switch/drug dealer tactics" to get their clients and colleagues to buy these products, not with the intention of hoping they deliver on the promise of helping them get healthier, but more along the lines of trying to convince the client or colleague to buy into the company and sell the product, as well, in order to create a huge sales-force to push false promises, for the sake of money, drive cars they never truly own, & trade their clients, colleagues, friends, & family's trust for the sake of a "great business opportunity?"

Anthony drops in to share what he's discovered about the health & fitness-oriented network marketing business's claims regarding their products, as well as his thoughts on popular athletes such as Crossfit Games men's champion, Rich Froning's, recent connection with Advocare.

On episode #69, Anthony discusses the following with Mike & Sincere:

Why post workshop/seminar interactions are like a bonus seminar for free
Why network marketing is similar to Jehovah's Witnesses
Why most most network marketing, especially "supplement & nutritional-based" MLM companies miss the mark
Anthony discusses the curious case of network marketing and Crossfit
What makes fitness pros the ideal mark for most network marketing companies
Why you may not want that BMW from Body By Vi
Network Marketing vs. Affiliate Marketing
Why the red flag should rise the next time certain network marketing nutritional companies begin their conversation with "product X is scientifically proven."
Why you should think twice before running with many scientific studies  
When bad marketing practices happen to good products
Why most network marketing supplements are mediocre at best
What network marketing nutritional companies can learn from Creatine
What Joe DeFranco taught Anthony about partying on the Jersey Shore
Why in the hell would someone buy and swing a 200lb kettlebell

All this and much more:

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