This week in the 61st episode of the Live Happier Longer Podcast we say goodbye to wonderful co-host Angela McDade.

We share our thoughts on doing the podcast together for the last year and a half, how much we've grown and how much we've learned about building the habits of a HAPPIER, longer life. 

We reflect on some of the great interviews, exceptional learning and lots of laughter and fun along the way. 

Stay tuned next week as Molly unveils "Live HAPPIER Longer 2.0" or is it "1.0"?  We're not going away, we're just pivoting and supporting Angela's choice to spend more time with her family during her son's senior year of high school.  

If we've learned nothing about "aging with optimism" it's that you need to be resilient and bend with the wind.   So listen in and enjoy that brilliant Scottish accent one more time.