This week I'm revisiting some of our best episodes on habits and grabbing some of the best little nuggets of each. One of the lessons I’ve learned over the last nearly three years of building Five for Life is the IMPACT of habits on our lives. Ultimately it’s what you do consistently over time that defines what your life story will be. And consistency and time--those two things are the major pieces of what defines a habit. 

The first episode we really talked about the true importance of habits was in Episode #23 when we introduced Darren Hardy's book the Compound Effect.  In Episode #25 we dove into James Clear's Atomic Habits. In episodes #42, #43 and #44 we did a three part series on habits.  Episode #42 was about the science of the brain and habits, Episode #43 focused on building good habits and  in Episode #44 we talked all about breaking the habits that don't serve you. 

You can have a free copy of the Habit Mindset poster by simply emailing [email protected] with the subject line: Free Poster 

Links to the episodes mentioned:

Episode #23

Episode #25

Episode #42

Episode #43

Episode #44