Can an #author also be an #editor? This is a question that I've struggled with for many years. Why? Because of the basics. As an #indie author, you're always concerned about #copyright. Protecting your #writing. Your #books. And if your #editor writes, too, what does that mean for your work? Will it be safe with that #editor?

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Hadley Raydeen worked for my first #publisher as an #editor. She edited my first book, Love's Chance. That book went on to hit #bestseller lists and made me officially a "paid author". Yep!

Because of that one thing, I've always had a certain amount of admiration for Hadley. This interview discusses our partnership, as well as, her overall writing and editing career.

I hope that you enjoy this conversation! And if you've worked with Hadley, tell us why you love her. If you haven't worked with Hadley, why haven't you?

You can learn more about Hadley's books here:

Check out her FaceBook here:

Don't forget to follow my #YouTube channel!