When you don't have the power of a #publisher behind your writing, how do you get momentum behind your books? How do you not spend all day on social media promoting your work, after you spent so many nights writing and producing it?

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Mahogany SilverRain is an #indie published author who has worked collaboratively since her first book was released. Through her network, she's made new friends and met many readers without having to do it by herself.

One of her joint ventures is B.A.R.R, Black Authors and Readers of Romance, a #Facebook group that focuses on sharing knowledge about the #writing and #publishing. Together with Lawrence Hall and Moni Boyce, they have created a group that is filled with authors and readers who are passionate about Black #Romance!

Curious? I hope so! To view this interview with Mahogany SilverRain visit my #YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/BuC88R4FN1w

To learn more about Mahogany SilverRain, visit her website: https://www.mahoganysilverrain.net/