Whether you're a Black woman traveling solo, or just a woman or person traveling, sometimes you just need a little help. You need someone to assist you with the fine details. #BlackWomanTraveling

Don't forget to follow me on your favorite social: https://linktr.ee/angelakayaustin

When you're trying to enjoy yourself and have a little fun, sometimes it can be extremely difficult to focus on the details. Or, maybe you don't know which details should have your attention. And if you're trying to #travel outside of your country, it can become even more frightening.

Instead of missing a step, and stressing over it all. Why not work with a travel consultant. That's one of the things I've done in the past for some of my #travel.

Working with a #travel consultant allowed me to focus on the fun parts of my travel, while she focused on the details. Plus when things went wrong, I was able to contact her and she fixed my problems. Who doesn't love that one!

During this time of COVID, why not take a moment to plan your next #adventure. Where do you want to #travel to next? Who's helping you focus on the details while you focus on enjoying yourself!

Don't forget to check out my #YouTube channel!

Learn more about Gerri and M&E Travel Unlimited:

#YouTube Travel Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB2Q...

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gerriv2010/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/thetravelconcierge