You hear it all the time: eat more fiber. Plants are good. Meat is bad and so are all animal products always. Baby talk pervades the world of nutrition. The truth is, the science is far from settled. With today's guest, I discuss both sides of the story in an attempt to cut through the black-or-white, dogmatic thinking which plagues nutrition science.

My guest today is Dr. Tommy Wood, a UK-trained Medical Doctor with a PhD in physiology and neuroscience. Dr. Wood is currently at the University of Washington as a Research Assistant Professor of Pediatrics. He has also published and spoken on multiple topics surrounding functional and ancestral approaches to health, including examining the root causes of multiple sclerosis and insulin resistance.

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In this episode we cover

What are some of the biggest health hurdles for athletes in improving their athletic performance?How tracking sleep and glucose monitoring (CGMs) can in itself can be harmful to our healthThe problem with nutritional studies. In other words why the heck is nutrition so confusing and why do so many experts claim wildly different things?What does a healthy microbiome even mean? Do the experts even know?Does the nutritional scientific literature fully support the idea that Fiber is essential in the human diet? If not, what else can the gut use as fuel?Why a high-fat, animal based diet is being studied for its health effectsWhy neither vegans nor carnivores have the full truth


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Find Dr. Tommy Wood at IG: @drtommywood ; Twitter: @DrRagnar


Learn simple ways to reduce stress, support immune function, and calm the nervous system by downloading chapter 2 of my book "Return to Human" for free:


NOT medical advice; not intended to treat, cure or diagnose; this video is merely for educational purposes. YOU are responsible for YOU.