Live to work or work to live? 

Either way, being financially independent - and not relying on your next paycheck or your “emergency” savings - is a goal well-worth striving for.

Having the financial freedom to remove money as a concern, and just go about living your life is a powerful thing. And, thankfully, it isn’t something that’s just reserved for folks in the 60+ club with a successful retirement plan.

Meet serial entrepreneur, Kiki Roeder. She breaks down what it means to be financially independent and how anyone, regardless of her age or how much money she makes, can obtain it.

Only in her early 30s and having built and sold multiple businesses, one would consider Kiki as successful. But don’t think it didn’t come with a price. 

Financial freedom isn’t free. Kiki openly shares how she experienced burnout and the gold star syndrome, and what she did to overcome the hardships to become financially secure.  Tune in to learn more about financial freedom and steps you can take to reach your own definition of FIRE: financial independence - retire early.


What exactly does it mean to be financially independent? How do you even know that you’ve “made” it? Does being financially independent mean that you don’t have to rely on making more money? Is it even possible? Do I have to wait until I’m retired to be financially independent?


Grab your free video course! 

The Money Maker Mindset: 4 Strategies to Focus Your Mind to Make More Money