Welcome to the Live and Earn Podcast!

My name is Helen Ngo and I’m a corporate dropout and former stockbroker turned CEO and Founder of an investment management firm. Over the past decade, I have worked one-on-one with over 300 individuals and families, and through this, I began to notice something.

Every woman I worked with faced the same struggles regardless of her income level, whether she makes $50,000 a year or $1MM a year. She faces the challenge of having a sense of not BEING enough, not living up to her fullest earning potential.

This is so common yet not enough of us talk about it openly and with honesty. Talking about money -- especially when it comes to how much we want to earn -- should not be taboo.

I wholeheartedly believe that when we can get to a place where it’s “normal” to talk about these issues, then we all can succeed.

I started this podcast because I want you to see the behind the scenes of peoples’ real money stories. I unveil to you people’s intimate dialogues when it comes to money – in all aspects of it – how they earn and what they earn. See how they spend money and use it to create and live the life they have. 

I welcome you to join me every Wednesday as I interview different women from all financial walks of life. Hear their bold stories on how they live, how they earn, and what it means to make it in life. 

With this podcast, my goal is for you to gain the confidence you need to define and write your own success story.

Check out the Live and Earn Website: https://helenngo.com/podcast/

Grab your free video course! 

The Money Maker Mindset: 4 Strategies to Focus Your Mind to Make More Money
