My friend, Dr. Cameron Staley who is a clinical psychologist and was on Episode 345, joins us to share new insights and tools to understand and solve pornography use. Dr. Staley (active Latter-day Saint) discusses the four main reasons some struggle with pornography use and how ACT helps reduce/solve pornography viewing.

If you are working to end pornography use or to help others, please listen to this podcast. I promise this podcast and ACT will help you. Thank you, Dr. Staley, for developing more tools and instilling hope and insights to help good people solve pornography use. Your work is so needed.

The resources mentioned in the podcast are:

Dr. Staley provides online counseling services to residents of Utah and Idaho. You can schedule counseling, check out the Life After Series Podcast, interviews, research, and free trainings on his website: or follow him @thelifeafterseries

Life After Pornography online program:

Life After Pornography Coach app:

Richard Ostler Book: