My friend Devorah Stucki (graduates May 2022 in Bioinformatics at the age of 19) joins us to share her story. Devorah focus on two main parts of her story. The first part is becoming aware she is lesbian by the end of High School and the second part is her experience at BYU.

Devorah talks honestly about the challenges of being queer at a BYU student. As we hear difficult experiences, it is a chance for us how we can improve things for queer Latter-day Saints in our circle of influence.

Devorah also talks about her decision to come out publicly and her advice to queer student consider or at BYU.

Thank you, Devorah for being on the podcast and your courage to share your story. You’ve accomplished much in your short life and have a great life ahead of you.

Richard 'Papa' Ostler ❤️

Podcast Link:

** Please Check Out My LGBTQ Book At: **
Deseret Book:


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