My friends, Andrea Neahusan (married mother of 6) and Amber Ayres (married mother of 5) bravely share their story of sexual, verbal, and emotional abuse by their father throughout their childhood. Their father’s severe manipulation kept the sisters from talking about the abuse the whole time. It wasn’t until Andrea was 19 that she finally revealed their secret to her Bishop and police got involved. They talk about the residual effects of their depression, anger, and PTSD from the abuse.

After 25 years of living in a safe environment, Andrea and Amber now feel compelled to share the patterns of healing which included therapy, boundaries, and prayerful experiences that allowed the Atonement of Jesus Christ to heal their immense pain. Their hope is that their experiences will help others with traumatic pasts to know that healing and peace are possible.

If you are a survivor of any abuse or trauma and seek hope for your future, please listen to Andrea and Amber. If you feel the pain from the realities of a broken and mortal world, please listen. If you are supporting a friend or family member working through the effects of abuse or trauma, please listen. Their insights into the healing power of Christ’s Atonement are eye opening!

**Trigger Warning** If any listeners need to avoid the triggers of semi-explicit details of abuse, please skip the first half, and instead join us for the last half to hear about their miraculous, but difficult road to healing and forgiveness. This isn’t just theoretical for Andrea and Amber—but a very real, lived experience.

Thank you, Andrea and Amber, for your courage to share your story. Respect from all of us. This is one of our finest podcasts.

To connect with Andrea and Amber on social media:

Instagram: @tendermerciesmightymiracles
Facebook: Tender Mercies Mighty Miracles
Email: [email protected]