Shadow work refers to the journey one takes to make that which is subconscious conscious, so to discover the lost facets of the self for the purpose of a more integrated sense of self and being-ness. In this episode, Breakthrough Life Coach Lisa A. Romano, author of the bestselling books The Road Back to Me, (2012) and the award-winning Codependency Manifesto and Codependent Now What? It's Not You, It's Your Programming delves into the specific shadow work necessary for a codependent people-pleaser. 

Lisa points out that shadow work is the most profound self-discovery journey anyone can take. It should not be viewed as woo-woo or pseudo-psychology but instead, as an opportunity to more fully integrate the not-so-likable and very likable yet denied facets of the self in order to become more fully self-actualized. 

Lisa has created several online courses and workbooks to assist with the self-discovery journey, otherwise called shadow work. Download the 21 Day Inner Child Healing Adventure Journaling Program today for only $27 and uncover the lost facets of the self so that you can more fully understand and thus integrate.