Narcissistic friends enjoy pushing you around, minimizing you, and embarrassing you in the name of a joke. By suggesting their antagonistic communication is a form of play, they covertly incapacitate your ability to push back rightfully. 

In this episode, Lisa A. Romano, Breakthrough Life Coach, an expert in the field of codependency recovery and narcissistic abuse, explains the best way to confront a narcissistic friend. Learn about the psychological strategies that will help boost your confidence on how to push a passive-aggressive, narcissistic, and demeaning so-called friend back. Lisa will help you gain the clarity and the strength to hold your ground as you break the patterns that often cause us to be targets of narcissists at the level of the subconscious.

Ready to breakthrough and to heal the subconscious energies, patterns, conditioning and programming that keeps so many humans living and reacting from below the veil of consciousness?

If so, join Lisa's online subconscious healing and retraining program and put an end to feeling stuck, reactive, and not good enough!