Episode 0x17-- Turkey Time

We're going to try to keep this one relatively short. Seriously.

Of course, it's a day late because I did a boo boo on the recording. Don't ask.

Upcoming over the next hour...

Lots of News
and then our discussion topic--

And if you've got commentary, please sent it [email protected] for us to check out.

DISCLAIMER: It's not that explicit, but you may want to use headphones if you're at work.

ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: In case it is unclear, this is the story of 4 opinionated infosec pros who have sufficient opinions of their own they don't need to speak for anyone except themselves. Ok? Good.

In this episode:


Hack any skype account in 6 easy steps


Linux rootkit doing iFrame injections  [Full Disclosure]  [CrowdStrike]

Dissecting a Facebook Scam

Telstra - still can't get security right

Killing 4G networks with a suitcase radio thingy

Wikid Publishes free eGuide on adding 2factor

Web Engineer's Online Toolbox

Breaches - The never ending never ending story...

FreeBSD intruded upon
NASA - good at going to Mars, not so much at keeping laptops safe
Health facilities in Mass and RI lose tapes


(WARNING: PDF) From Luigi Auriemma - ABB has problems that look like CoDeSys
Obama signs secret directive to help thwart cyberattacks

Errata / DERP of the week award

United States on Brink of Major Cyber Attack, Industry Executive Predicts  Deloitte Center for Cyber Innovation

Mailbag / Bizarro Land

RE: Canadian Satellites

Hey guys.
Thanks for the shout-out in Episode 14 regarding the Diginotar report.
Unfortunately I'm going to have to award you guys a mini-derp award for your comments that same episode on the story about the Canadian Navy buying satellite services from Inmarsat as satellites just happen to be my area of expertise. Yes, Canada does have its own communications satellites.
They are managed by a company called Telesat.
However, they are not of use to the Canadian Navy because they are located in the wrong place, operate on the wrong frequencies, and provide the wrong types of services for what the Navy needs. Communications satellites of this type operate in the geostationary belt (GEO), an orbit around the Equator 36,000 km above the Earth.
The radio spectrum in this orbit is pretty congested, so early on international regulation of the satellites in this orbit and the spectrum they use was given to an organization called the ITU. Countries apply to the ITU for specific orbital slots and frequencies in the GEO belt and then license those to their companies. Canada has slots over North America and associated frequencies that are used by Telesat for what's called Fixed Satellite Services (FSS) - mainly broadcast TV and a host of communications services to remote communities in northern Canada. But these frequencies and antenna patterns are not what's used for mobile communications, nor does Canada have any satellite slots in other locations to provide global coverage which is kinda important for ships. Inmarsat on the other hand has the slots and frequency allocations to specialize in Mobile Satellite Services (MSS). They have a fleet of satellites located at various points around the Equator to give global coverage and the types of frequencies and coverage to provide mobile services to ships. Pretty much if you're operating a ship you're going to buy services from Inmarsat. More: Telesat and Inmarsat

Brian W.

Skyrim Jokes

Hey guys, I don't have any Skyrim jokes but do have an odd anecdote for you. While playing Skyrim and listening to the LSD, I've found that I _have_ to turn off the xbox kinect controls or else bad things happen. Apparently Matt's voice is finely tuned as a Weirding Word. I'll be merrily bopping around a character in a dungeon of some type when, all of a sudden, a dragon shout get kicked off and kills all attempts at stealth that I've been trying to muster. It's only Matt's voice that kicks off the shouts. Take that for what you will. John D.

Fus Roh Dah!

Wrong questions being asked about security involvement in PMO/SDLC work

Hey guys, I'm listening to 0x15 and a question made in there really got in between my teeth. "Does making security part of the SDLC make the software more secure?" is the wrong question to be asking. Whether or not having risk evaluations or threat modeling part of the SDLC should be a concern but not the approach I've found work when I've introduced it into the SDLCs of which I've been involved. Let's break out of our security cliques for a moment and realize that ultimately many of use tell ourselves that what we do matters in order to justify the dissonance we have in our brains for putting up with the crap we do because we actually enjoy what we do, for the most part. By and large, we're not altruists. Having the guts to come out and say "Yeah, I know what I do for an organization rarely makes the world a better place, but gosh darn it I like/love what I do." can go a long way to asking the right questions to keep ourselves employed and pertinent to the business that pays us to do cool things. Once you get out of the "what I do is important, dammit" mindset, asking the following question better serves us as a whole. Does making security part of the SDLC/project/product make the business more money or save the business more money had it not been part of the SDLC/project/product as much as we're pushing? If you can justify the change, you can be relatively assured that someone in charge of playing with the moneys with listen. Phrasing the question that way also lends to promoting the idea to the money people that what they do is ultimately important and feeds their own dissonance hating mechanisms. John D. P.S. This approach has also saved me from the dreaded infosec burnout.

In Closing

Movie Review Matt saw Twilight - point and laugh!
We do research too - Ben's running a survey and will publish results. Check it out!
The Security Conference Library
If you're interested in helping out with openCERT.ca, drop a line to [email protected]
Contribute to the Strategic Defense Execution Standard (#SDES) and you'll be Doing Infosec Right in no time.
Upcoming Appearances: James at SecurityZone in Cali, Colombia
Signing up for a SANS course? Be sure to use the code "Liquidmatrix_150" and save $150 off the course fee!
Seacrest Says: "go do bad bad things to a turkey"

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