Episode 0x18-- How Do You Spell Aguardiente?

Beginning the end of 2012 - Because it's time to start making up lists of resolutions that we're not going to follow.

Dave developed a new giggity move, it's called "the kasperskian" - y'all should consider it a way to buy votes that this is an audio only podcast.

Lots of News
and then our discussion topic--

And if you've got commentary, please sent it [email protected] for us to check out.

DISCLAIMER: It's not that explicit, but you may want to use headphones if you're at work.

ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: In case it is unclear, this is the story of 4 opinionated infosec pros who have sufficient opinions of their own they don't need to speak for anyone except themselves. Ok? Good.

In this episode:


Why you should never hack without consent  ErrataRob sez YOU ARE COMMITTING A CRIME RIGHT NOW

Porn is safe YAY!

"ROM-port-hard functions" by Solar Designer

South Carolina gov releases post breach report

routed anonymity networks aren't judge proof

iOS Dictionary App Maker Enfour Attempts to Shame Pirates... and fails.

Finnish Police Seize 9-Year Old’s Winnie The Pooh Laptop For Using The Pirate Bay

New Facebook policy conflicts with European law, concerns privacy advocates

Hacker arrested for allegedly stealing ID info of most of Greece

Breaches - The never ending never ending story...

300 pakistani web sites get their domain names redirected (Hi Google and Microsoft)
RAF forced to reset passwords following Prince William’s photo-op-turned-security-breach
1000 students at Scripps college get there info stolen (the old fashioned way) because they don't have good DR/BCP
Hacker claims he p0wns Northside Independent School District website
Computer breach hits 12,500 SC insurance policies


Exploit broker releases EXPLICIT VIDS of holes in industrial control kit
Cyber-threat is real, former CSIS spy warns

Errata / DERP of the week award

Confidential Police Docs Found in Macy's Parade Confetti Spark Investigation
SONICWall thinks Tumblr and XKCD are porn

Mailbag / Bizarro Land

Hi Comrades

why do you make fun of Kaspersky's secure SCADA software

Boris the squirrel

Discussion topic - Privacy/anonymity

"Realistically, he's been ass-raping you for years, and apparently he's not sufficiently endowed for you to have noticed"
Little Brother

In Closing

Movie Review Ben saw half of "This means war" then decided to read a paper on infosec instead
We do research too - Ben's running a survey and will publish results. Check it out!
The Security Conference Library 
If you're interested in helping out with openCERT.ca, drop a line to [email protected]
Security Blogger Awards 2013...ah hem (not like we're pandering for votes or anything, we only do that for ISC2 board seats) :)
everyday is CTF! go set up a team
Contribute to the Strategic Defense Execution Standard (#SDES) and you'll be Doing Infosec Right in no time.
Upcoming Appearances: James at SecurityZone in Cali, Colombia
Signing up for a SANS course? Be sure to use the code "Liquidmatrix_150" and save $150 off the course fee!
Seacrest Says: "mmmm... turkey left overs for the next two weeks"

Creative Commons license: BY-NC-SA

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