Episode 0x16-- One Time, At Security Camp...

There's too much news. We need to do MORE podcasts!

Also, it's time to say goodbye Mitt!!! Can't say as we're sorry to see you go, but yaknow.

Upcoming over the next hour...

Lots of News
and then our discussion topic -- hunting dirty traitor rat bastids!!!

And if you've got commentary, please sent it [email protected] for us to check out.

DISCLAIMER: It's not that explicit, but you may want to use headphones if you're at work.

ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: In case it is unclear, this is the story of 4 opinionated infosec pros who have sufficient opinions of their own they don't need to speak for anyone except themselves. Ok? Good.

In this episode:


Coca-Cola hacked ahead of Huiyuan acquisition attempt, but didn’t tell shareholders

SEC left computers vulnerable to cyber attacks, sources say

Firm suing sites that use SSL / TLS

Vuln in Call of Duty Modern Warefare 3

Adobe 0day! in other news water is wet russian guy demos p0wnage using new adobe 0day - voice over provided by not a russian guy $50,000 for a fresh hot 0day 
Nike Fuelband rats out cheating two timing basterd that broke your heart with that skanky ho
Secrets, Schemes, and Lots of Guns: Inside John McAfee’s Heart of Darkness
Australian Telcos Declare SMS Unsafe For Bank Transactions

Breaches - The never ending never ending story...

Twitter All A-Flutter Over Possible Data Breach
but Twitter says no to two factor auth
Pizza Hut Australia Dishes Up A Data Breach As Hackers Slice In [Updated]


Chevron was infected by stuxnet way back when but forgot to tell anyone
Support Forums Reveal Soft Underbelly of Critical Infrastructure

Errata / DERP of the week award


Here’s Enough Digital Espionage to Scare James Bond [INFOGRAPHIC]
SQL Injection - it's a windows XP thing - REALLY - The Strange Tale of a Virus Called SQLi

Foot In The Door
-tracking down a mole mole mole mole

Cisco VP To Memo Leaker: Finding You Now 'My Hobby'
It's not trivial to sort things out after the fact unless you have the logs and auditing turned on - go do that now.

Mailbag / Bizarro Land


thanks for your video with Dave, I really enjoyed that.

I am wondering and I think you mentioned something like that - but I would find it interesting if all of you guys could be on video like that... (hehe... enjoying it here, sitting in the first row...)

What about some questions from your audience? Not that I have some ready now, but I am sure I could make up some (not embarassing ones of course - ha!).

Just some thoughts - but keep up the good work!

Cheers Thomas P.

Hello guys, and thank you for the great show.

Referring to your second episode where you flamed Iran IrCERT, I just thought I would let you know that Libya now also has a CERT, it's called LY-CERT and you can find them online here http://cert.ly


Ahmed S.

Greetings from +52° 56' 58.92", -1° 9' 0.36" (approx),

As you all adore PCI-DSS so much, I figured I'd share this article with you: Silicon Republic

Some of my favourite quotes:

"Fewer incidents of large-scale credit card data theft are a sign that PCI-DSS standards are finally having an effect among large retailers, the director of the group’s security standards council has claimed."
"Mark Gallagher, keynote speaker at the Dublin event, drew parallels between Formula One and PCI-DSS in how they approach risk."
"You’ve got to have defence in depth and PCI gives you that best defence."

I can already hear James Arlen screaming.

Keep up the good work and try not to have an aneurysm!

Graham S

In Closing

Dave's Movie Review Life of Pi - he likes boats.
We do research too - Ben's running a survey and will publish results. Check it out!
The Security Conference Library
If you're interested in helping out with openCERT.ca, drop a line to [email protected]
Contribute to the Strategic Defense Execution Standard (#SDES) and you'll be Doing Infosec Right in no time.
Upcoming Appearances: James at SecurityZone in Cali, Colombia
Signing up for a SANS course? Be sure to use the code "Liquidmatrix_150" and save $150 off the course fee!
Seacrest Says: "I like cake, even though it's a lie."

Creative Commons license: BY-NC-SA