Chelle Murphy Klay lives in an oasis on the edge of the Sahara Desert.  Chelle is a business woman and organic mompreneur who is a passionate advocate for mental health and opportunities for women.

As an expat business owner living next to the desert, Chelle saw a lot of dates being thrown away because they weren't pretty enough to sell.  That’s when she started experimenting with dates and finding ways to upcycle them.

Furthermore, when one of her nephews was struggling with school due to ADHD, she wanted to help him be able to focus and have less emotional swings throughout the day.  Since many research studies discussed how diet impacts mood swings and the symptoms associated with ADHD, she began to focus on replacing sugar with all natural, minimally processed date sugar. It dramatically increased his ability to focus and they were able to significantly reduce his medication needs.  They also saw fewer emotional outbursts and amazing improvements in his school success. 

Cookies made with date sugar didn’t leave him with a sugar crash because the date fruit has a slower sugar release time that makes you feel fuller, and it’s loaded with nutritious fiber, antioxidants,  potassium and many other vitamins and minerals. 

Chelle knew she had a winning product worth sharing with the world.  Purdate Sugar is a socially responsible business  that empowers the women of the desert by providing opportunities for year round employment in an area with a depressed economy.

 Purdate Sugar is available on Amazon

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