Tina Essmaker (@tinaessmaker) is a coach, speaker and writer who helps creative professionals transition to the other side. With a Bachelor’s of Social Work and professional coach training, Tina’s approach is warm and practical, meeting clients where they are and guiding them forward. The creative world is her specialty, but her work is open to all who are navigating ambiguity, change, and transition and desire to thrive on the other side.

Tina and I met when I was still working at Instagram and she was the editor of The Great Discontent. I loved her and her writing so much that when she first posted about becoming a creative life coach,  I signed up right away. I was looking down the barrel of all my big life changes that inspired this podcast, and she created a really gentle, inspiring and supportive experience.

We talked in December over Zoom - before it was cool - but so many of the themes we discussed are perfect for this quarantine period we’re in. We talk about navigating the space that often comes with transitions, flowing over forcing, finding alignment, the illusion of control and how letting go can be empowering. You’ll hear her story of how she went from growing up in Michigan to social work to starting a magazine for creatives to what she does today working as a coach and writer. She shares some of her philosophies and tools to help you if you are some kind of transition which newsflash we all are, like ways to manage your energy and structure time.

Set up a consult with Tina here: https://calendly.com/tinaessmaker/15min?month=2020-04

Subscribe to Tina's newsletter here: https://tinyletter.com/coachtina. 

Read Tina's work on Working Not Working (and send her a question), 99u, and (my favorite) Medium.