This is one of those in the moment realizations that ask you to question everything you have been doing or choosing as relationships with other people attract and repel your energy in your life as you live it.   Just as people attract to us specifically in our life... people repel from our lives as well... This is not a "bad" thing... there are always energetic lessons of release and healing that are at the heart of every "end" of every relationship of any kind.. Friend, Family or Romantic.   If we use the reasons for the repelling to dive inside our soul and grow , evolve and continue to create and develop our higher self...  Then a person or people who have previously repelled from your life can come back.. or will come back " into your experience".  If the person is still a lower frequency vibration... and hasn't used the time to evolve... then this reuniting will be a representation of how far you've come.. and you will be able to peacefully move on from a sense of gratitude knowing how far you've come.. and wishing the other or others well on their journey ... If the person has done their internal work and has evolved as well... then this person will be evidence of your new found state of alignment ... and it will feel good.. and you can choose to accept all parties involved as new versions of themselves and only reference that energy going forward..

There is always a reason... It is asking you a question ... It is asking you what you think and feel right now...   asking for you to see if you can live and love from a new level of connection and understanding... a truly higher conscious existence ...  Depending on your answer.. your honesty.. and your ability to allow new versions of all of you to be present...  that is the degree you will either continue to attract... or continue to repel the relationship in your life ..  Much Love Today !!