As I venture deeper and deeper into this conscious and spiritual connection to myself and others... To my story and what it says about what it feels I can and can't do... I've come to realize that for myself .. the only thing keeping past versions of me away from creating or experiencing what it was that I was saying I wanted... was simply my belief that I didn't believe it was possible... or I believed that it was possible... But not possible for "ME"...   I also realized that there was a way to find out why I feel that way.. and if I can go general enough outside of the specifics of the story.. I could agree that there are certain universal truths that I can't help but KNOW and FEEL are true... as non debatable ... They are knowing for myself.. and I believe for all humans.. There can be no such thing as a " failure" .. because we are only attempting to gather information and experience to apply nto a new moment of potential... always always only to apply in a new moment and move forward in the direction we say we want to go...  Knowing this more than logical perception... don't allow yourself to call yourself a failure.. you are a success..and always energy with the potential to emerge into what you want at any moment..  I feel guided ... Even in my past when I ABSOLUTELY DID NOT feel guided .. or that there could possibly be any guidance at all from the world or Universe ... I have so much evidence of guidance now and back then when I said I didn't have it ... I can no longer allow myself to say this is for nothing .. or that there is no plan... and I Instantly feel better... These 2 questions and 2 others we talk about in the podcast today could really hold the key to allowing higher states of alignment for longer .. JOIN ME INSIDE !! MUCH LOVE TODAY !!!