ON TODAYS SHOW!!          

It's one of those things that we don't want to admit... Hell... maybe we get to a point where we even refuse to admit. 

That the Universe is conspiring in our favor to give us what we want...  The first question is...  How could that be possible when we keep seeing so much of what we don't want in the world, in relationships, in our experiences.

This is because we are able to consciously ask for something.....

"I want an amazing relationship"!

"I want to be financially free"!

"I want to be in amazing health"!

And we look for those things in the world... Not realizing one very important factor that the Universe itself considers as it presents to you options to receive everything you can imagine and more...

I will do my best to speak on the Universes behalf as it has related to myself in my life.... and then I will go out on a limb and say that I have been able to see the exact same trait inside of the Universes workings with every single human that I've encountered and worked with for years and years...   So since we are all the same conscious beings... I believe there is no reason to believe it works differently for any human vs any other human..

The Universe cares much less about what you say.. and much more about what you believe about what you say...

What You believe about what you say.. regardless of what you say you believe.... Will dictate much of, if not ALL of the behaviors that you present to the Universe as the response to asking for and expecting to receive the thing you want. 

If you want an amazing relationship because you are in an abusive one... But don't believe that you are worth more than what you are getting... Then you will not respond or behave in the world as someone who believes they are worth more would..... This is an example of consciously "asking" for something amazing ... and not seeing it because you do not believe you are worthy of it..

Use this EXACT same model for everything that is happening "good" and "bad" perceived by you.. And you will have the answers to what your blocks are... and how they are preventing you from actually getting what you say you want ...

This episode holds the key to set you free from that with one simple understanding... There is a law of context that this Universe uses to give us perspective and the ability to "choose" what we want based on what we believe we want... But the truth is... no matter what is going on... there will be a moment you will need to choose to be that thing you are asking for.... that day can be today. : )

If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!

Much Love 


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New Human Agreement- https://youtu.be/jLeVAr6pG-8

Law Of Hypnotic Rhythm - https://youtu.be/ZZdxr7S3aCA

How We Initially Unconsciously Create Our Reality- https://youtu.be/eyjBOkhj9Ho

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