Thank you so much for joining me on todays podcast!!  I asked a question recently on instagram (@likeattractslikeevolution),,

Are you more afraid of how powerful you are... or are you more afraid that you are powerless? 

It is more than just a question.. It has the potential to unlock the game, wake you up from the dream and allow you to see not just the reason your life has been the way it has been, but also to see how the collective consciousness of humanity is doing the EXACT same thing all at the same moment in time... THIS MOMENT... Which is all there is and as far as we know... all there ever will be.

In todays show we must understand and be on board with 4 simple inner truths... Not objective "provable to another" truths...  But the truths that matter most ... The things that are true FOR YOU...

If you can allow these to be true for you... Because you understand them at the deepest levels of your being.. of your heart and your soul.. You will hold the key to shift into the powerful place of who you truly are.. This place has been waiting.. 

It is not in a rush... There is nothing you need to "do" to be worthy of it or to "make it happen" .... It is YOU.. The awareness of all that is and ever was...  The power is simply in the realization... The acknowledgement that powerless is the lie.... 

We are so powerful that we can convince us that we are powerless.. AWARENESS sets you free.

See You Inside The Episode!  : )    


If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!

Much Love 



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