Wouldn't it be nice to start all over again... Wouldn't it be nice if you could take all of the lessons that you learned and bring them into the present moment, without judgement so you never had to relive those negative situations again..

            I believe that is how this universe is set up for us.. to do just that.  The only thing that stops us from being able to achieve this is our attachment and believe in the thoughts that tell us the people situations and past stories we experienced... should have gone another way...  That things would be better if I never needed the lessons... if everything simply went smoothly from day one... and I didn't have to lose all of those people,places and things in my life ..

           This is what I call the Happiness Paradox .. We break this cycle by understanding that Humans learn and evolve .. we don't know everything from the start..and we learn what our heart wants and how to open it by being exposed to new things.. good and bad.  The universe then asks us what we want ... We can then decide in those moments whether we enjoy something and want more of similar in our lives ( Positive emotions tell us this )  or whether we do not want something and we don't want more of it. ( Negative or Heavy emotions tell us this )

      There can be no lessons without situations that were there to teach us ..  There can be no answer without the asking..

          We then take the emotions of all of the wanted things we've collected through our situations and lessons,, and focus on them to bring more of the same into our lives..   To live in the negative emotion of a past lesson is in direct opposition to what the lesson was there to provide ... Which is clarity in this moment ...