I'm so happy that we took the time to create the last 5 episodes regarding loop creation and navigation !!   Your feedback and messages are literally so so so amazing and I appreciate all of you so much ..  The podcasts Itunes downloads have tripled since last week... and I'm so grateful.. I'm sending you all positive vibes your way so you can share this with me ..  So with the loop I.D finally coming out of me the most clear it's ever been.. we can talk about some of the systems that energetically fall into play specifically as it relates to understanding the construction of the old story and it's physical manifestation in your world.. but also equally as important .. it can help with the navigation of newer now.. "neutral" thoughts and what energy and belief you want to charge them with .. what story you want to write.. and the beliefs that will either keep it from you in this reality ... or attract it to you...  All of this is happening in this moment NOW...  Healing and finding perspective on all of your past .. while navigating the physical world in the middle of that momentum and the new reality momentum... and still making choices that align with the version of you that you want to be ...  It sounds like a lot ... But it isn't .. we are doing all of this every moment anyway... We just want to become more aware of what content we are doing it with .. MUCH LOVE TODAY !!!   Likeattractslike11.com