The one thing that started many humans on a new realization of their world and what may be possible for them was the book "The Secret"...  Reintroducing the Law of Attraction in a new way with very articulate spiritual guides and teachers .. who are sharing the basic principles of how this energetic law works in our lives.  Although it was a huge factor in many humans waking up a bit more.. It also created some further resistance for others.  There is a deeper level of understanding the law and how the observer of you... and the mind itself work together with whatever energy field we communicate with to bring to us what it is that we ask for ...  We just sometimes don't allow ourselves to take responsibility for what it is that we are feeling ... or what we allow ourselves to think on a daily basis.  Today we dive further into the idea of "mental drifting" ... and how the law of attraction needs to be understood on a conscious level well before we can adapt it properly to our physical and spiritual lives .. MUCH LOVE TODAY !!!!