There is a topic that we are going to cover on an upcoming episode that relates to " Drifting " ..   Drifting is the process of NOT realizing that something has taken our attention from us .. and unconsciously we continue to drift further and further into it .. dragging us down into a frequency of thought that doesn't serve US.. .THE MOMENT.. or your HIGHEST GOOD....  We can develop certain check systems mentally to help us realize when this is happening and cut it short deliberately,.. Today we talk about 8 of the questions I use to keep grounded and sure of what I believe is going on here with myself as a human and each moment ... Affirming Yes to these questions reminds me that I have the ability to shift my thoughts and my behaviors at any time in the process of my loop.   MUCH LOVE TODAY !!

1)  Do you believe that we are all the same vibrational beings

2) Do you believe that we are all connected to a source... and that is all we know

3) Do you believe we are here to evolve and to help raise consciousness

4) Do you believe that we can seemingly only evolve from contrast and sorting through wanted and unwanted.

5) Do you believe that the contrast exists to ask us what we want

6) Do you believe that we can all find perspective on our story

7) Do you believe that we can all use that new perspective to find our joy

8) Do you believe that we can use our joy to inspire others


BONUS...  Do you believe that this life and this reality is a mirror of who we are being ,.. and what we expect from the inside out.