Listen to how VentureStorm co-founders Taylor Johnson + Tyler Denk are helping startups build a founding team by connecting entrepreneurs and developers.
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If you’ve listened to a few of our episodes, you’ll know by now that building your community is one of the most important life skills that matter for jumpstarting your business. Taylor Johnson and Tyler Denk, along with Taylor’s brother Tommy, are on a mission to help startups build a founding team for the longer-term.

Taylor recently graduated from the University of Maryland with a degree in electrical engineering and Tyler is currently a senior there pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering.

They have a vision for making starting a startup easier by helping entrepreneurs find developers who are looking for more than short-term gigs, but a belief in the long-term vision of the entrepreneur.

A few lessons worth noting from our conversation include:

Building a startup while in college. Taylor and Tyler discuss the benefits of tapping into university resources to help build their business.
Getting the word out. How they attracting new customers.
Funding. How they are currently sustaining their startup as they experiment with various revenue strategies.

Life Skills That Matter In This Episode

Building community.
Self-directed learning.
Find your founding team.

How Taylor and Tyler Work and Think

Wake up time: 9am (Taylor) 8am (Tyler)
Core work habits: 1) Managing his to do list. 2) Responding to communications.
Ideal work needs: Tyler needs feedback quickly and Taylor needs to work in a quiet and organized location. 
Superpower: Digest information quickly (Taylor) Attention to detail (Tyler)
Regains focus by: Getting feedback from their community.
Favorite productivity tools: slack and Kissmetrics
90-day goal: Exploring more revenue opportunities and continuing to promote their platform.

Inspirational Quotes

“We want to make it easier for startups to actually startup.”

Coaching Advice

Are you a college student with an idea for a business, but having trouble finding the time to work on it? Taylor and Tyler offer this advice . . .

1) Study a little less. They believe straight As will only get you so far in life compared to the marketable skills you’ll gain from starting a business.

2) Block your time. Carve out blocks of time for studying and time for working on your business.

Resources + Bonus Materials




Kauffman Foundation

Startup Weekend

Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship 

Related Episode

Get an MBA for Just $100 With Omar Zenhom

Connect With Taylor and Tyler







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The post Find a Founding Team With VentureStorm Co-Founders Taylor Johnson + Tyler Denk (039) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.

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