Learn how identity shifting can help you transition from employment to self-employment from IdentityShifting.com founder Rob Scott.
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Is there any chance that the story you are telling yourself about yourself is what’s really holding you back from working on your own?

Well, get ready to challenge your assumptions about yourself and start diving into identity shifting!

Rob Scott is going to help you explore BIG, DEEP topics like changing your identity, self-awareness, truth, trust and purpose all with the goal of helping you break down your self-imposed limitations to be the person you really want to be. Whew!

He’s the founder of Identity Shifting. He’s a mindset coach to help you learn how to evolve your identity n alignment for where you want to go in life.

He’s amazing gifts grew out of some incredibly horrible trauma earlier in his life, which he shares toward the end of the episode.

If you’re short on time, hear are some of the key lessons and topics we discussed and I’ve included the time codes, so you can jump around.

Identifying Shifting. At the very beginning of the show, we discuss why making the transition from employment to self-employment first requires changing your mindset.
Our own truth. We start chatting at around 13 minutes in about why we believe in the stories we do about ourselves and how we can begin to change those beliefs.
Trust your gut. At about 21 minutes Rob shares how to build more trust in ourselves by listening to our gut feelings more.
At about 32 minutes in we discuss the difference between purpose and passion.
Building self-awareness. Finally at around 38 minutes in we chat about how to cultivate your self-awareness to use your thoughts as a tool, instead of being ruled by them.

If you have any questions for myself or Scott, please email [email protected] or submit a question here!

Life Skills That Matter In This Episode

Embracing discomfort.

Recommended Identity Shifting Exercises From Rob

1. Write down things you’ve been telling yourself about yourself and whether or not it’s really a fact. Challenge your assumptions.

2. Meditation and breathing. Here’s a meditation tutorial by Rob.

3. Answer in 5 words or less a big question you are wrestling with about your life.

4. Hang with like-minded people as you change your identity.

Inspirational Quotes

“The act of becoming self-aware is not only a good thing for yourself, but also for the planet.”

“Get out of your head, get out of your emotions, get into your gut because you know the answer.”

“If you change your own self-concept, everything else can change for you.”

Resources + Bonus Materials

NLP for Dummies

Identity Shifting

Connect With Rob




Thanks for listening! Enjoy this episode?


The post Identity Shifting With Rob Scott (040) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.

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