Learn how Griffin Jones has found success for his niche business with a target market of only 200 potential customers.
The post How To Build A Super Niche Business With Griffin Jones (038) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.

Have you ever heard of the saying, “There’s riches in niches?” The old economy created value by building mass markets. Value is now created by building a niche business like selling content marketing services to fertility clinics. That’s exactly what Griffin Jones is doing.

A couple of years ago he started Fertility Bridge because he identified a problem. Fertility clinics didn’t have a coordinated marketing strategy for reaching out to potential patients in the way they wanted to access fertility information.

Get this, there are only around 200 fertility clinics in the U.S. and Canada. That’s Griffin’s entire potential market!

Think it’s too small an opportunity? Think again. He already has 7 clients as of the recording of this interview and he told me he just landed his biggest client to date on a $4,000/month retainer.

I personally understand the potential riches you can find in niches when I generated $500,000 in annual sales from my old sales training business in a market that only had 50 potential clients!

In our conversation we cover a few important lessons:

Your motivations. Why it’s so important to get clear on what motivates you if you want to work for yourself.
Cold calling isn’t dead. Why this old school sales tactic can still work, especially in a niche market.
Attend conferences. why they are such a great way to jumpstart your community.

Life Skills That Matter In This Episode

Purging and simplifying your life.
Building community.
Self-directed learning.
Embracing discomfort.
Build a niche business.

How Griffin Works and Thinks

Wake up time: 6am in winter and 5:30am in summer.
Core work habits: 1) Communication with clients. 2) Creating content. 3) Doing work other people won’t do.
Ideal work environment: He feels most productive attending conferences.
Superpower: Talking with people.
Definition of success: Being able to provide for his family and to give to causes he supports.
Self-reflection practice: Mediation and prayer.
Life skill to improve: Patience.
Wants to meet: Someone who has a vision for the future of media content.
Resource recommendation: Gary Vaynerchuk Show
Favorite productivity tool: dropbox and fiverr
90-day goal: Wants to land 2 more clients.

Inspirational Quotes

“To be more philanthropic, I need to make more money.”

“If there is ever a time when cold calling makes sense, it’s when you are starting out.”

“The hustle is just figuring out how to get to the next step.”

Coaching Advice

Having trouble getting out there and meeting people to help support your professional goals? Griffin offers this advice:

1) Marry your “Why”. Understand the purpose of your work, so you can connect with people in alignment with your why.

2) State the obvious. Communicate the problem you want to solve. As you meet people be clear about the problem you want to solve and how you think you might do it.

Resources + Bonus Materials

Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos

Big Brother and Sister

Digital Marketing for Fertility Clinics

Connect With Griffin




grifjones716 @Snapchat

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The post How To Build A Super Niche Business With Griffin Jones (038) appeared first on Life Skills That Matter.

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