Be Bold and Live Courageously and use the code.

Billy and CJ McDonald are a power couple. They fight for each other and create lasting impacts for the people who are blessed to come in contact with them. 

Billy is a a former Special Forces Soldier and knows how living by a code can advance the team in dangerous situations. His struggle came when he briefly lost his code after a botched surgery that left him without the use of his hand.

His wife CJ was in the corporate world and found that being successful did not mean she was living by her code. Even though the money was great it did not buy happiness. Today she is empowering women to say YES. You will have to tune in to discover the power of YES.  

How did Billy get it back to a new normal? How did  CJ learn transition from her success to create success for others? Find out this week on Creating LIfe's New Normal with your host John Register.

About the host

John Register: Paralympic Silver Medalist | International Speaker | Author | American Long Jump Record Holder | Gulf War Veteran | Disability Rights Advocate | Amputee | and Home-made Waffle Lover.  Showing businesses, military service members and college students how to create life’s new normal. Click HERE to book John to speak for your organization.