Aimy Steele is on the move. She can multi-task, run a school, and still have time to raise 5 children and complete a doctorate in curiculum and instruction with a concentration in urban education. Her passion is to make an impact that changes students' lives, enhances the quality of the teacher pipeline, and provide additional learning opportunitis for marginalized student groups.

Today she shares with us how to improve the chances of students obtaining college scholarships through her tradmarked Big 5 system to preapre for success.

I met this bright young lady during the U.S. Paralympic Team trials in Charlotte, NC, where she was assisting me with announcing duties for track and field.  When I heard her vision and why she does what she does, I knew she would be the perfect fit for creating life's new normal.

This show is family oriented and if you are looking for ways to be awarded college scholarships, please tune in.

You can reach Aimy on her website at or at  She is all over social media. Please visit either

About the host

John Register: Paralympic Silver Medalist | International Speaker | Author | American Long Jump Record Holder | Gulf War Veteran | Disability Rights Advocate | Amputee | and Home-made Waffle Lover.  Showing businesses, military service members and college students how to create life’s new normal. Click HERE to book John to speak for your organization.