If you want personal growth in your life, you're going to need confidence. We all think about confidence wrong, especially within ourselves.

You have the confidence, let's discuss.

Note: I've been having trouble with my software for YouTube cutting off the beginning, so don't mind my nonsensical trembling at the beginning of each episode :). Yeah, these MINI's are coming from my YouTube channel...

Episode Transcription:

you? Good folks, I hope you're all doing well today. And uh coming at you with another episode here, hopefully the front didn't get cut off. Everything is a little bit wonky right now with the software I'm using, it cuts the first around 3 to 6 seconds off. So I don't know exactly where to start. But another episode of the Life Next Level Youtube Channel um Today, I want to talk about confidence or courage uh self confidence specifically, and I look back in my life and I look at all the things that I didn't do because I, I implied to myself that I didn't have the confidence to do it. And I watch other people do the things and I think to myself, wow, they have this confidence, but I'm too scared to do it and I want to talk about that a little bit because we all look at confidence incorrectly. So whether you look back at a job you didn't go for or the girl that you didn't ask out because you were too scared and other people did you think again, they're better than you because they have better confidence. That they have more confidence in their more self confident and courageous. And um I want to tell you that you have that confidence. I 100% about that because confidence is not not being scared to do something. Confidence is being scared to do something, but doing it anyway. So think of something in your life in the past that you regret not doing and just know that you were scared for a reason. And if you listen to my past episodes, I talked about fear being being something to motivate you because when you are scared to do something, it's usually a good sign because then you're going to step outside your comfort zone and you're going to grow into your growth zone, you're going to grow and you're going to have personal growth and personal development. And we all want that none of us want to stay stagnant and and not growing. And so the next time you think about something, you're a little scared to do it. Just know that it's ok. Confidence is being scared but doing it anyway. So think about that today. And as you go forward thinking and you want to do more, want to grow, want to step outside your comfort zone, confidence is being scared. But doing it anyway, hope you have a great day. Great seal. See you next time.