How do you soar with eagles when you work with turkeys? An email from a listener prompted this topic. So often, we give 100% and try to do our work to the best of our abilities, yet those we work with do just enough to get by and do not take great pride in their work. I share some tips with you about how to maintain your level of personal integrity even though those around resist! Listen as I explain more:

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Show Outline:

Bucket of crabs syndrome
Work is love made visible - Kahlil Gibran

What comes out of you is a reflection of what is inside you
What comes out of them, is a reflection of what is inside them

The comparison game is a no-win situation

The only person who should have live up to your standards is you
You are being paid to do your job--do 100% like you. If you don't feel you are being fairly compensated, address it
It's not your job to decide if someone else, at the same level or above, is working at the level of their pay
If you are not being fairly compensated, address that with your boss
be careful of the story you tell yourself about why they are not doing what you think they should be doing
do not take it personally
If you are the manager of people not performing, you have a responsibility to to the company to lead them to proper performance or to replace them with the right people.

Personal Branding

You are working on your brand, so are they, just leaving different brand impressions
Lead by example, which you are doing
Lead with love - perhaps sit down with your employees and explain personal branding and working with love to them--love them enough to want them to improve themselves

Self-confidence - be so confident about who you are and the level of service you provide, that it doesn't matter what others do. You will always be pleased with yourself.

When you are living according your purpose and core values, you can be confident in who you are, what you are doing, and why you are doing it, regardless of the people you are around.
Live in the protection of your self-worth, reject the poison of mediocrity

If the environment is toxic with no hope of getting better, fly away, leave the turkeys behind--you can't fix other people!

But don't be running from something, always be heading toward something
Discernment: This could be God's way of nudging you out of the nest to fly to your next place of service
A mother eagle makes the nest more uncomfortable to force her babies to move on!
Always be looking for ways to expand your influence, serve more people, and add value to the world
Read The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann

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