"The truth doesn't need me to believe it. The truth simply is, and it survives—believe it or not." - Don Miguel Ruiz. This is a profound truth that we all need to understand and adopt into our lives. Truth does not jump up and down and beg "please believe me!" Truth is secure, confident, and needs no external validation. This is the foundation upon which we should all build our lives. Listen as I explore this concept:

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Show Outline:

The truth doesn't need me to believe it. The truth simply is, and it survives—believe it or not. Lies need me to believe them. If I don't believe lies, they don't survive my skepticism, and they simply disappear. – Don Miguel Ruiz
I think back on the many lies I've told in my life

Lies I've told others
Lies I've told myself
My need for people to believe what I said
My need to convince myself to believe what I was telling myself

I think of the lies other people have told

They had a deep, pleading need to believed
Boys, family, friends

Core values -- who are you when the facade is stripped away, when nobody is watch, when you aren't trying to impress someone--even yourself

Jim Collins said "it is better to know who you are than to know where you are going"
When you know your core values and have your foundation firmly rooted in them, that provides emotional security
You don't need other people to believe in you or your abilities
You don't need to be validated
You don't have to do things to get attention, to be noticed, for the purpose of other people telling you how great you are

When you live from a sense of truth about who you are, it's like a cruise ship sailing through rough seas

Jesus, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., etc.
None of these begged to be believed
They needed no external validation - their value came from within and their faith in a higher power, bigger plan
People, circumstances, threats, death, could not move them off course

When I operate from my core values, my purpose, I have peace
When I step outside of my purpose, I am not living my truth and I need people, I feel insecure

"The lies people tell us do far less damage than the lies we tell ourselves." - Steve Keating @LeadToday
It's not the lies of others that need to disappear, it's the personal lies, the lies we tell ourselves about our self-worth and need to be noticed and validated.

Mentioned in this show:

Boston Marathon #Miles4Smiles Fundraiser
Download: Affirmations for Abundant Living
LIAM Team Life Coaching Community

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