In this episode, I talk about the importance of building up your emotional bank account to allow you to fully engage, with confidence and enthusiasm, in the "game" of life. The reality is when you start winning, you tend to win more often. When you become "rich" in your emotional bank account, having a high self-esteem and confidence level, you will tend to become richer, having more success because you engage in life more fully and enthusiastically.

Quotes from the show:
You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes." - Winnie The Pooh (A.A. Milne)
Show outline:

Ran in the Color-Me Midlo 5K this weekend with my boys

It's fun things like this that strengthen our relationship, create fun memories

I also ran a 13.1 mile "benchmark" run to see where I am in relation to my goal

Because I'm ahead of pace, this boosts my confidence in my ability to reach my goal!

Every person on the planet has "bank" accounts


When the balance in those accounts is high, we feel "secure" about our financial condition
When low or overdrawn,we are stressed

Impacts our decision-making ability
Our attitude--the energy we put out
Our self-worth is often tied to our financial worth

Physical health

When we feel good/healthy, we engage in life and enjoy doing physical things
When low, we are withdrawn and don't engage in the physical aspects of life


This is my main focus in the work I do!

Life is like a game. Self-worth/confidence bank account determines how you play the game of life

Poker: The more chips you have, the better you play
Monopoly: the more emotional resources you have, the better you play
When a player gets ahead and has more resources, the player takes more chances, has more fun, doesn't sweat the occasional loss, and usually wins!

So the metaphor of the Rich get Richer holds true.

Shyness can be personality type, but is often lack of confidence, fear of rejection
You need to make more deposits than withdrawals in ALL of your accounts, but MOSTLY your Emotional accounts

Set yourself up for victory!

Do things that give you energy, make you feel good
Put yourself in situations that at least give you opportunities to win/socialize, etc.
Surround yourself with people who lift you up, not tear you down
Listen to/watch motivational, self-improvement material

YOU are responsible for your own happiness, your own emotional bank account levels
Record all of your victories/success just like you would your bank deposits

Review them regularly - Nightly/Weekly/Monthly

NEVER record failures

Failures happen, but only record or talk to yourself in terms of what you will do differently next time!
Be very aware of negative self-talk and try to remove it.

Love yourself unconditionally for who you are, what you are, where you are!

Some of the "richest" people I know are not rich because of their finances. They are rich because of what they believe about themselves and the life they enjoy because of it!

Mentioned in this show:

Photos from Color Me Midlo 5K on Facebook
Bruce Van Horn – You CAN Go the Distance! Marathon Training Guide
Jack Canfield -
Run For Fun Cruise

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