I Love My Shepherd 33 – Chasing Freedom YA Bonus 6: Be gone Backpack: Old Yokes, New Yokes, No Yokes


How do you feel about backpacks? What kind of bag do you carry around? What is in it?


Galatians 5:1

Cover some old yokes we make important Cover some new yokes we turn to as we mature Getting rid of the yokes, what does God give us instead?


What weighs you down in life right now? What do you think weighs down your parents or other people in your life? Share personal and global issues as prayer requests.


Old Yokes

            Apathy, We are Free: to care, to make a difference, to have a purpose

Fear, We are Free: be ourselves, conquer death, conquer humiliation in resurrection

How does the resurrection changes things for us?

Lifestyle, We are Free: to stand outside of need, be grateful for this life,

for having our life, not someone else’s


Which of these yokes seems familiar to you currently? Can you think of any examples of what this struggle to put aside one of the yokes looks like in actual life?



New Yokes

Target on our back as a believer, We are Free: to think eternally, to let the Spirit work in us and change us

How can we see Jesus in more parts of our lives? Where do we frequently leave him out?

What worship/religion looks like, We are Free: Authentic because it is, not because it looks right

Looking for happy, We are Free: When faith feels absent it’s still there, Joy in Jesus


Which of these yokes seems familiar to you currently? Can you think of any examples of what this struggle to put aside one of the yokes looks like in actual life?



No Yokes

God gives us…

            Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)


            Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18)


Which fruit or piece of armor is most comforting to you?

Which fruit or piece of armor is most difficult for you to believe it is there for you and working in and around you through the Spirit?


Challenge: Write or draw one of the fruits or armor pieces on a card or paper. Paste it up in your room or locker, wherever you’ll see it each day. Write NO YOKES or FREEDOM underneath it and thank God for His work every time you see this reminder. He is at work in you!



ESV Bible translation - Copyright © 2001 by Crossway,

a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

All rights reserved.



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