ILMS 46 – Written in Iron Ink: Weight loss

Special Guest: Sara Borgstede from The Holy Mess


Job 19


Sara’s story -

the importance of therapy

Weight Watchers or other accountability program

10 years maintaining, changing habits, and beginning to love exercise



Compassion God has for His children overflowing to compassion for ourselves


Recommended encouraging Scripture

write them on notecards to keep in front of you

Isaiah 43:19

Hebrew 12:1-2


Food, eating, and the deeper struggle

- relationship to emotions

- relationship to shame

- getting to those roots

- hope for the new thing God is doing and His work


Calling out cultural ideas about food and body image


The relationship between fellowship and food


Handling food at parties, potlucks, and church events

find one person to focus on at the event shift in focus and thinking about the event tiny bites


Finding Goals

Accountability and relationships


Isaiah 43:4-5


Connecting in the journey

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ESV Bible translation - Copyright © 2001 by Crossway,

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