ILMS 42 - Distinguishing Fear, Worry, and Anxiety

*This podcast is not a replacement for local mental health resources. Please seek counseling or other local resources you have available to address any mental health concern.


4 Part Anxiety Series:

Today – Distinguishing Fear, Worry, and Anxiety

Episode 43 - Defining Anxiety: A Recontextualization

Episode 44 - Developing a Theology of Anxiety

Episode 45 – Practical Tools for Anxiety


Everyone experiences anxiety differently.

Helpful article:


How do you experience anxiety? Anxiety’s connection to anger, irritability, and hangry. ;)


*The following information is not meant to be all inclusive of all Biblical and Scientific knowledge on fear, anxiety, and worry, nor are these terms completely distinguishable. This is meant to be the beginning of a conversation regarding what we mean by these words in our current 21st century western context.



Biblically there are things to be afraid of Battle and courage, Joshua 1:9 Sexual assault, traumatic experiences God encourages, does not shame even when He says, “Do not be afraid.” David’s Psalms – fear while walking the walk of faith Fear excacerbated by Satan Fear and it’s relationship to doubt (Mark 9) Fear = our experiences associated with limited information, or our experience based on what we associate it to be based on things in our past



Neurobiological process with hormones and chemistry involved Triggers from past experiences



Tought process related Can involve rumination (thinking about something over and over again) Most frequently related to provision, safety, and protection Prodigal God by Timothy Keller (Luke 15) Very often relational, effects our relationship with God and others close to us The value of writing out to give it to God Control related


Body Keeps the Score


Anxiety = the murky waters of a messy life, but Christ is in it

The relationship of anxiety to brokenness in the world Resting in God, turning to God, He sits with us in our struggle

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