I Love My Shepherd 17 – The Truth about Mental Health


The Truth: We all have it.




US Health and Human Services site on mental health:



Repeat after me: Therapy is for wellness, not just for illness. ;)


The misunderstandings of:

1 Timothy 3:2-6

the falsehood of “keeping it together”


Proverbs 22:6

the falsehood of “teaching them right”

beware of judging the parents around you or judging the children around you

Remember the truth is true for your own child as well – we all have mental health.

Removing the shame of children in need of services, treatment, or help of any kind


Break the stigma – 1 in 5 people report an issue with mental health


Deuteronomy 6:4-8

Share Hope, around the Word, with your children, with yourself, and with those around you.



ESV Bible translation - Copyright © 2001 by Crossway,

a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

All rights reserved.



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