I Love My Shepherd 20 – Ministry Moment: Connecting Kids

Church as people, not a place -

1 Corinthians 12:12-14


Article about some unintended consequences of church as building-





How do children begin to understand grace?

Kids spell grace – Forgiveness and Fun

- Ephesians 4:7

envision a playground of grace

kids have the gift of zest and energy and seeing things through fresh eyes, and fun!


Erickson's Developmental Stages


Trust v. Mistrust (pregnancy-18 months) – Do we provide anything for infants?

Autonomy v. Shame (Ages 18 months–3 yrs) - Where can we give more patience and independence?

Initiative v. Guilt (Ages 3-5) – Where can we include them?

Industry v. Inferiority (Ages 5-12) – What gifts do they have to share?

Ego identity v. Role Confusion (Ages 12-18) – Have I asked their opinion? +

How can we encourage questions?


Simple ideas to connect with kids:

make room for them and rooms for them

things hung from kid friendly levels

bright colors

things to touch and feel

room and time for questions

get down on their level

treats, food, food, treats ;)

Little people sets, books, worship bags




ESV Bible translation - Copyright © 2001 by Crossway,

a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

All rights reserved.



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