With Special Guest, Sue Steege
Director of Christian Education, transformation and discipleship ministry focus

Goal – making it safe and doable for parents to be faith growers

Moving from Wow to Win
How can I set up a win for a parent to transmit the faith?
How can I set up a safe way for parents to feel successful in sharing their faith?
What opportunity can I set up for families to participate in faith together?

Allowing and creating opportunities for contribution
Follow up with those in the communities
What opportunities can we offer for kids to be able to contribute?
What do kids have to contribute?

How do kids open us to the heart of God?
Engaging other adults in teaching kids to form many supportive relationships
Extending invitations continuously
Walking through hard times in life together

Attachment, brain science, and faith

Ideas from Sue:
Use the Bible App to teach parents to lead a family devotion
Goodnight with Sue and Zanmi, teaching parents to give a blessing - https://youtu.be/K9OY5H9Q4eQ
Give kids space to worship
Prayer partners during worship
Prayer parties with blankets

Just a Phase – OrangeBooks
The Other Half of Church - https://amzn.to/2FzpItG
Kindling the Heart Family Devotions - https://amzn.to/3mt4izB
(*amazon links are affiliate links)